Academic Expectations
- Planners: Students are expected to write in their planner daily.
- Homework: Students are expected to complete their homework each night. If no homework is assigned, you are expected to complete your Learning Upgrade.
Tardy Sweeps
- If caught in a Tardy Sweep
- 1st offense- parent phone call
- 2nd offense- parent phone call & after-school detention
- 3rd offense- parent phone call & Saturday school
- Remember students may not have more than 10 tardies in order to participate in year-end activities
Play Fighting
Rough housing
***All of the above are considered fighting even if both parties state that they were just playing and meant no harm to each other
Play Fighting Consequences
- Students that are play fighting will have the following consequences:
1st time: Phone Call Home/Detention
2nd time: Phone Call Home/Parent shadow /Suspension
3rd time: Phone Call Home/Home Suspension
- If an injury occurs during play fighting, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices
- No cell phone use between 7:15am-2:30pm
- Phone must be OFF(not vibrate) ALL day
- No cell phones or electronic devices while riding the bus
- All phone calls to parents must be done via the main office or guidance office
- If cell phone/electronic device are out for ANY reason during school hours, it will be taken away. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
If it is confiscated:
1st offense - Parent must pick up
2nd offense - Parent pick up / Detention
3rd offense - Phone/electronic devices privilege will be revoked.
***Every offense after the 3rd offense will result in a suspension for Defiance
Public Display of Affection (PDA)
- You come to school to learn, not to find a boyfriend or girlfriend
- Student are not allowed to do the following:
Hold hands
Hanging onto each other
PDA Consequences
- Students caught participating in PDA:
- 1st offense: warning given
- 2nd offense: parent contacted via phone or conference
- 3rd offense: Suspension (violation of Student Code of Conduct and Defiance)
Zero Tolerance
Each of the following offenses will lead to expulsion from SDUSD:
- Weapons (guns, knives, BB guns, explosives, imitation firearms, tools, dangers objects, etc...)
- Fighting (3 per year)
- Bullying/cyberbullying (repeated offenses)
- Threatening a teacher/adult
- Sexual assault/battery
- Willful major injury
- Prohibited controlled substances (drugs)
Students who choose to vandalize school property or equipment will be reported to school police and charged to repair the damages....