
Students at MTM will be the first in the San Diego Unified to participate in the 1-to-1 laptop program. Student laptops will be used as an extension of the classroom. Each student will be assigned a laptop with the ultimate goal of each and every student having access to the computer at home and in the classroom. The computer will be used for online learning through Moodle, research projects, online textbooks, to communicate with other students and to apply what they have learned in class to real-world extension opportunities.

The MTM I-Brary allows classes the opportunity to create multimedia Mac-based projects using programs such as Comic Life, imovies, Podcasts, Power Point Presentations, and many more.

Millennial Tech Middle is also the only school in the San Diego Unified School DIstrict that has interactive Promethean Activeboards in each and every classroom, including PE! The boards are used to create opportunities for students to become engaged with the classroom lesson in a hands-on fashion. Teachers can also use the hand-held Active Votes to assess students readily to check for understanding. To learn more about the Interactive Promethean boards, visit:

Students at Millennial Tech will have access to ipod touches for digital organization, podcasting, literacy support, content area projects, and many other STEM related activities.

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